Firecrests: Pre-School Class
We have enjoyed learning about the Year of the dragon for Chinese new year! Firecrests have samples different Chinese food, made paper lanterns, and painted a large dragon outside! Have a wonderful half term, see you after the break!
Happy New year!
Its lovely to see all our Firecrest children back after the Christmas break and a huge welcome to all our new children that have joined us this January. Its been a fun filled start with lots of exploring inside and outside and new friendships being made. Its been a brilliant first week, we are enjoying getting to know each other and learning lots of new and exciting things already! We will be talking about all things wintery this half term so lots of walks in the playgrounds to look for signs of winter and exploring ice play and freezing and melting inside. Lots of exciting learning ahead!
Its been a busy few weeks for the firecrests since half term. We have been developing our physical skills such as throwing and kicking balls, running, crawling and climbing and we love showing them off in our playground. Theres been a lot of special days and festivals such a fireworks night, Divali and rememberance day. Firecrests have been learning about what these days mean while creating poppy printing, rangoli art and our own clay divas.
What a wonderful first half term for our Firecrests!

This half term has been all about getting to know our school and each other. The firecrest children have been playing beautifully with new friends and exploring the classroom. There have been lots of exciting activities to explore such as finger painting, den building and creating autumn shakers!
Getting to know each other has been so much fun and we are already learning so much about our world. The Firecrests have been looking at goldilocks and exploring porridge play, making different sized beds for the bears and of course enjoying the story together.
There has been lots of singing and dancing and the children already are learning the words and actions to so many songs, which they choose themselves during rhyme time.
Playing outside is a Firecrest favourite and they have been continuing den building and also using the climbing equipment to practice balancing and jumping.
Have a lovely term and we look forward to seeing you for much more fun in a week!
Miss Gifford ad Mrs Riaz .