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Newtown School

Caring - Curiosity - Courage

Magnificent Multiplication

Once children have completed the Brilliant Bonds levels, they will then move onto Magnificent Multiplication. Children will be tested on their recall of multiplication and division facts for 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables over 20 levels. The children will have 3 minutes to answer questions first in order (i.e. 1x2, 2x2, 3x2, etc.) and then out of order for the times table they are working on. In addition to children learning and practicing their times tables in maths lessons, Home Learning posters will be sent home with children for each new multiplication or division they will be working on. The home learning posters will also have fun ideas for how to develop recall for these times tables. There is no expectation that any work should be returned to school for these.
