Who’s Who

Contact Details for Chair of Governors:
Post: School Office – Envelope marked: FAO – Chair of Governors.
Email: anthony.fortgang@newtown.education
The Governors:
Ms Hayley England
Appointed: 04/09/2023
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Personal interests: None
Relationships with staff (ie. Spouse/partner/relative of staff member): None
Declarations of interest: None
Mr Anthony Fortgang
Chair of Governors, Development and Sustainability Governor
Appointed: 22/09/2021 Term ends: 22/09/2025
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other educational establishment governed: None
Personal Interests: Daughter in Year 1 at Newtown
Relationships with staff (i.e. Spouse / partner / relative): None
Declarations of interest: None
Mr Andrew Dunn
Deputy Chair of Governors, English Governor
Appointed: 22/09/2021 Term ends: 22/09/2025
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other educational establishment governed: None
Personal Interests: None
Relationships with staff (i.e. Spouse / partner / relative): None
Declarations of interest: None
Mrs Gemma Watherston
SEND, PPG and Early Years Governor
Appointed: 22/09/2022 Term ends: 22/09/2026
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Personal interests: Daughter and Son at Newtown
Relationships with staff: None
Declarations of interest: None
Mr Matthew Writtle
GDPR, Website and Attendance Governor
Appointed: 22/09/2022 Term ends: 22/09/2026
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Personal interests: Son attends Newtown
Relationships with staff: None
Declarations of interest: None
Mrs Alice Lees-Millais (Parent Governor)
Maths Governor
Appointed: 11/01/2024 Term ends: 11/01/2028
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Personal interests: Son attends Newtown
Relationships with staff (ie. Spouse/partner/relative of staff member): None
Declarations of interest: None
Mrs Katherine Lehane (Parent Governor)
Appointed: 18/03/2025 Term ends: 18/03/2029
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Personal interests: Sons attend Newtown. Partner provides Guitar and Music lessons at Newtown.
Relationships with staff (ie. Spouse/partner/relative of staff member): None
Declarations of interest: None
Ms Sarah Scofield (Staff Governor)
Community Cohesion and Equalities Governor
Appointed: 23/10/24 Term ends: 23/10/2028
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Personal interests: None
Relationships with staff (ie. Spouse/partner/relative of staff member): None
Declarations of interest: None